The Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation has introduced GT20N135SRA, a 1350V discrete IGBT for tabletop IH cooker, IH rice cookers, microwave ovens and other home appliances that use voltage resonance circuits. The IGBT features a collector-emitter saturation voltage of 1.75V and a diode forward voltage of 1.8V, which is approximately 10% and 21% lower, respectively, than for the current product.
Both the IGBT and diode have improved conduction loss characteristics at high temperature (TC=100℃), and the new IGBT can help reduce equipment power consumption. It also features a junction-to-case thermal resistance of 0.48℃/W about 26% lower than that of the current products allowing easier thermal designs.
Features of GT20N135SRA IGBT
- Low conduction loss:
VCE(sat)=1.6V(typ.) (@IC=20A, VGE=15V, Ta=25℃)
VF=1.75V (typ.) (@IF=20A, VGE=0V, Ta=25℃) - Low junction-to-case thermal resistance: Rth(j-C)=0.48℃/W (max)
- Suppresses short circuit current that flows through the resonance capacitor when equipment is switched on.
- The wide safe operating area
The new IGBT can suppress the short circuit current that flows through the resonance capacitor when the equipment is turned on. Its circuit current peak value is 129A, about 31% reduction from the current product. The GT20N135SRA makes the equipment's design easier when compared with the other similar products available today as its safe operating area is widened. For more details about GT20N135SRA, visit the official website of Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation.