AlgoBuilder is a graphical design tool from STMicroelectronics that allows engineers to develop and test complex algorithms using a graphical interface without having to write any code. The tool is aimed to be used with STM32 Microcontroller series and the MEMS sensors from ST Microelectronics. It is capable of getting real time data from the sensors (connected through serial communication) and computes it through various mathematical models that are readily available as blocks inside the AlgoBuilder Software. It also has some popular built-in Motion Sensing Algorithms for Sensor fusion, gyroscope/magnetometer calibration, pedometer etc.
Recently, on 4th July 2019 in a Press Brief held at STMicroelectronics (Greater Noida, India), ST has announced a new version of AlgoBuilder (V 2.1.0) that allows designers to upload their code on the cloud and perform machine learning computation. This new feature is expected to help designers perform complex mathematical calculations like FFT analysis without spending much time on mathematical calculation; it also supports MQTT protocol to send data to cloud which eases up building proof of concept for Industry 4.0 and AWS connectivity applications. AlgoBuilder utilizes the STM32 Development Environment and supports the STM32 Nucleo Boards like NUCLEO-F401RE, NUCLEO-L476RG, X-NUCLEO-IKS01A2/A3 and SensorTile boards.
The graphical design build using Algobuilder when compiled will generate a C-code which can be directly uploaded to the development boards. The C-code generation supports external compilers like System Workbench for STM32, IAR, EWARM and Keil uVision. The code once uploaded to the board will provide real time sensor values to the Algobuilder, which can be used for Data Visualization using integrated output data monitor or Unicleo-GUI. An example data visualization Graph from Unicleo-GUI is shown below.
The AlgoBuilder Software is free to download from STMicroelectronics and has user-friendly licensing terms to reduce the time to market. You can also read the AlgoBuilder user manual to know more on its features and how to use it for your design requirements.