PowerEver is a tiny user-adjustable electronic board that helps users keep their power bank running non-stop whilst ensuring to minimize self-drained current. The board is compatible with nearly all power banks in the market. This means that your power bank will never run short of mobile power for your electronic gadget.
The board can help save the environment too as it can maximize power bank usage for older models that cannot provide enough power for mobile phones but are still usable to power electronic devices like an Arduino, ESP8266, etc. With PowerEver, the power bank can be used until the end of its life, even when it is no longer capable of charging the mobile phone even.
The PowerEver board is equipped with an ATtiny13A running 1.2 MHz at 5V microcontroller, has an LED display for visual feedback, and is made to use standard power banks as a regular DC 5V power supply for powering various gadgets, such as an Arduino or ESP8266. It has an adjustable total current drain from 110 mA down to 3 mA (16.5 mA as default). It comes with connectors (USB Type-A male for connecting to a power bank, USB Type-A female output to user loads) and a push-button. Weighing 5.9 g and measuring 16 mm x 50 mm, the board even has an optional USB-A male to 5-pin screw terminal connector.
Features of PowerEver
- Use generic mobile phone power banks as a regular DC 5 V power supply for powering all kind of gadgets and electronic boards
- User-adjustable through button triggering to suit almost all power banks
- Designed to consume as little current as possible
- Small and light-weight enough to put into your wallet
- Fully open-source with complete schematics and source code provided for immediate tweaking
PowerEver is currently on Crowd Supply and you can buy it for $19.