u‑blox has announced the new NEO-M9V global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receiver that is based on the ultra-robust M9 platform and offer both untethered dead reckoning and automotive dead reckoning. This device is ideal for fleet management and micromobility applications that require reliable meter-level positioning accuracy even in challenging GNSS signal environments such as urban canyons.
NEO-M9V offers backwards pin-to-pin compatibility with previous u-blox generations and delivers three times better accuracy than GNSS-only receivers, enabling a smooth urban navigation or tracking experience. This device features dynamic models optimized for both cars and e-scooters. Moreover, offering both UDR and ADR on the same module delivers maximum positioning performance and design flexibility at once.
Key Features of NEO-M9V GNSS Module
- Three times better positioning accuracy for a smooth urban navigation experience
- Maximum position availability with 4GNSS and dead reckoning technology
- Easy-to-use UDR and advanced ADR for high flexibility and fast time to market
- Reduced RF design efforts thanks to integrated SAW/LNA
- Pin-compatible with all NEO modules
In addition, its ability to track up to four GNSS constellations maximizes the number of GNSS satellites within its line of sight at any given moment and integrated SAW and LNA filters offer excellent interference mitigation for a robust solution, accelerating product design and shortening time to market.