
Infineon and RT-Labs Enable Seamless Industrial Communication on XMC7000 MCU Infineon and RT-Labs Integrate Multiple Industrial Communication Protocols into XMC7000 MCU for Seamless Automation

The emergence of Industry 4.0 increased the need for efficient and dependable communication protocols in industrial…

ESP32-S3 AI-Camera ESP32-S3 AI Camera for Voice-Controlled Automation and Remote Monitoring

An AI camera that can recognize faces, respond to voice commands, and even see in the dark, ESP32-S3 camera does it all. It's an AI camera module…

L298N Motor Driver with Arduino How to use L298N Motor Driver with Arduino?

Looking to add motion control to your Arduino projects? Whether you're building a robot…

Camera That Identify Objects at The Speed of Light Camera That Identifies Objects at Light Speed with Ultra-Low Power Use

Researchers at Princeton University, led by Felix Heide, and Arka Majumdar from the University of Washington, developed a camera that doesn’t just…

DIY Fully Automated Piano-Playing Robot DIY Automated Piano That Plays Music Like a Pro

Imagine a piano that plays itself- not just some basic tunes, but musical performances from any MIDI file. That’s exactly what a creative maker…

LockyFi - Remote Switch Controller for Automation Introducing LockyFi, A 4G/2G/Wi-Fi Remote Switch Controller for Seamless Automation

LockyFi is a remote switch controller that offers seamless automation for a wide range of applications. It supports…

The Expressive Lamp-Like Robot That Communicates with Light, Gesture, and Touch ELEGANT: The Lamp-Like Robot That Moves, Reacts, and Communicates Like a Living Being

As human-like emotions and behaviors continue to shape humanoid robotics, a team of researchers is taking a different approach, bringing…

V-Link, Camera Connectivity Hardware Interface by Videtronic V-Link - A Hardware Interface for Long-Distance Camera Connectivity

Connecting cameras to single-board computers such as Raspberry Pi and Nvidia Jetson can be challenging due to range…

Tobor Robotics And Automation Platform from Evezor Tobor Robotics - Open Source, Modular, Highly Customizable Platform for Automation and Robotics

Evezor has introduced Tobor Robotics, a highly customizable and modular open-source robotics platform ideal for desktop…

Microchip Launches PCI100x PCIe Switches for Data Centers and HPC Microchip Launches PCI100x PCIe Switches with High-Speed Data Transfer for Data Centers and HPC

Microchip Technology introduces a new PCI100x family of Switchtec PCIe Gen 4.0 switches, to meet the needs of high-…