Deep Learning

Self-Balancing Robotic Bike that uses no Gyroscope Advancing Robot Bikes with Reinforcement Learning

The Robotics and AI (RAI) Institute has developed the  Ultra Mobility Vehicle (UMV), a self-balancing robotic bike…

Raspberry Pi Age and Face Detection using OpenCV Age and Gender Classification using OpenCV and Deep Learning on Raspberry Pi

In this tutorial, we are going to use OpenCV and Deep Learning models to accurately identify the gender and age of a person…

R-Car V3H SoC with Integrated IP Renesas Updates R-Car V3H System-on-Chip (SoC) with Improved Deep Learning Performance to Meet Latest NCAP Requirements

The popular R-Car V3H SoC with integrated IP for Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) from Renesas Electronics Corporation…

High Precision, Low Power Smart Camera For Next Generation ADAS High Precision, Low Power Smart Camera for Next-Generation ADAS

The Renesas Electronics Corporation announced the joint development of a deep learning-based object recognition solution for…