MPLAB PICkit Basic Microchip Introduces MPLAB PICkit Basic, an Affordable Debugger for Developers

Microchip has introduced the MPLAB PICkit Basic, an affordable and compact debugging tool designed for students, hobbyists, and engineers working…

MQ sensor with PIC microcontroller Gas Detection and PPM Measurement using PIC Microcontroller and MQ Gas Sensors

MQ series Gas sensors are very common types of sensors used in Gas Detectors to detect or measure certain types of Gases. These…

Microchip PIC IoT WG Development Board PIC IoT WG Development Board Review – What’s new and How to Get Started with it

The three main parameters to consider while developing a portable IoT device would be Low Power Consumption, Wireless…

Interfacing DHT11 with PIC16F877A Interfacing DHT11 with PIC16F877A for Temperature and Humidity Measurement

Temperature and Humidity measurement is often useful in many applications like Home Automation, Environment Monitoring, Weather…

DAC MCP4921 Interfacing with PIC Microcontroller PIC16F877A DAC MCP4921 Interfacing with PIC Microcontroller PIC16F877A

Digital and Analog is an integral part of Electronics. Most of the devices have both ADC as well as DAC and they are used when…

Robotic Arm Control using PIC Microcontroller Robotic Arm Control using PIC Microcontroller

From the assembly line of automobile manufacturing industries to the telesurgery robots in space, Robotic Arms are to be found…

PIC Microcontroller PIC16F877A Rotary Encoder Interfacing Tutorial Rotary Encoder Interfacing with PIC Microcontroller

A Rotary encoder is an input device which helps the user to interact with a system. It looks more like a Radio…

IoT based Web controlled Home Automation using PIC Microcontroller and Adafruit IO IoT based Web controlled Home Automation using PIC Microcontroller and Adafruit IO

Home Automation has always been inspiring projects for most of us. Toggling an AC load from the comfort of our chairs…

Generating PWM signals on GPIO pins of PIC Microcontroller: Controlling Servo Motor Generating PWM signals on GPIO pins of PIC Microcontroller

PWM signal generation is a vital tool in every embedded engineers arsenal, they come in very handy for lot of applications like…

Heart Beat Monitoring using PIC Microcontroller and Pulse Sensor Heart Beat Monitoring using PIC Microcontroller and Pulse Sensor

Heart Beat rate is most important parameter in monitoring any person’s health. In the modern era of wearable devices, there are…