Real-Time Balance Control with ESP32 An Open-Source Self-Balancing Robot Powered by ESP32

A developer has built a self-balancing robot…

Smart Servo Motor Driver Module for SG90 Servo Motors Now You Can Upgrade Your SG90 Servo Motor Into A Smart Servo with Smooth and Vibration Free Movements

In a recent YouTube video, Koshiro – a fourth year student from Hiroshima University shows how to transform your basic…

Generating Sine, Triangle and Square Waves - ICL8038 How to Generate Sine, Triangle, and Square Waves Using ICL8038?

Today we are looking at one of the affordable frequency generator modules, that has ICL8038 as its heart. Surprisingly…

12-Channel LED Driver New 12-Channel LED Driver for High-Accuracy LED Control in Signage and Lighting Applications

Diodes Incorporated has announced the release of the AL58221, a high-performance 12-channel constant-current…

PCA9685 Multiple Servo Control PCA9685 - Multiple Servo Control Using Arduino

The 16-channel 12-bit PWM/Servo Driver, PCA9685, is an ideal module for precise control of multiple PWM outputs that…

RA8T1 Microcontroller (MCU) Renesas’ RA8T1 Microcontroller - For Real-Time Control in Industrial and Home Automation

The RA8T1 microcontroller (MCU) group by Renesas Electronics features the Arm Cortex-M85 processor. Targeted at real-…

WS8211 RGB LED Strip with Arduino Interfacing WS8211 RGB LED Strip with Arduino: Step by Step Tutorial

Welcome to our blog post on interfacing the WS2811 (5V) RGB LED strip with Arduino! In this guide, we will…

PAM8906 Piezo Sounder Driver IC Piezo Sounder driver with self-excitation to extend run time of security alarm devices

Diodes Incorporated has introduced their new Piezo Sounder Driver IC PAM8906, with Self-…

DRV8833 Dual Motor Driver Module with Arduino Interfacing DRV8833 Dual Motor Driver Module with Arduino

If you are interested in building robots then it is certain that you need to learn how to control the speed and…

TC78B011FTG Hall Sensorless Sine-Wave PWM Pre-driver IC Hall Sensorless Sine-Wave PWM Predriver IC for 3-Phase Brushless Motor

Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation has launched new TC78B011FTG that is a three-phase brushless DC motor…