From bulky vacuum tubes to compact high performance microprocessors the evolution of electronic components over the years has always been evident. This section covers all the recent technological advancement in the electronics industry and the new-age products that have hit the electronics market recently.
Showcased at CES 2021, the all-new miniature near-range Lidar sensor, Nova from Cepton Technologies is designed to provide…
Valencell, the Photoplethysmography (PPG) sensor maker has introduced a new sensor that can measure blood pressure with a…
To help server OEMs and cloud operators deliver high performance in designing storage platforms for next-generation data…
The world’s largest LoRaWAN event goes virtual from Jan 25 to 29, 2021. Join the global, week-long virtual LoRaWAN conference…
NXP Semiconductors has introduced a new safe Automotive High-Performance Compute (AHPC) development platform, BlueBox 3.0 to…
Digi-Key Electronics has announced that it has expanded its Marketplace product portfolio to include a worldwide distribution…
Little Bee by Weston Braun is an affordable, high-performing current and magnetic field probe that can effectively debug and…
STMicroelectronics has released MasterGaN2, an asymmetric half-bridge pair of power GaN transistors in a small 9mm x 9mm x 1mm…
Renesas Electronics has introduced a 60W wireless power receiver, P9418 to deliver faster wireless charging experiences, best…
The research and development unit within the Department Of Homeland Security, Science and Technology Directorate organized a…
Digi-Key Electronics is now an official Raspberry Pi authorized distributor and will carry the full line of Raspberry…
To tackle the ever-increasing need for more computational power, researchers from Yokohama National University, Japan have…