To push the human limits and achieve what is beyond the human capabilities has always been an exciting focus area for the robotics, which then led to many innovations and advancements.
A team of roboticists at Sony Computer Science Laboratories Inc. and the NeuroPiano Institute in Kyoto has created an exoskeleton that will enhance pianists' performance by helping them to achieve extraordinary speed to surpass their natural limits. This robotic exoskeleton improves the finger movements during the speed exercises, which naturally leads to improved speed due to the phenomenon of neuroplasticity. This will enhance piano skills with the help of this robotic exoskeleton and redefine the speed practice techniques among pianists.
The exoskeleton attaches to the hand of the player and simulates the movements. This passive training can train and improve the hand movements. The study shows improvement in speed in both hands due to neuroplasticity, which is the formation of new connections in the brain in response to the robotic hand training.
This study is an inspiring blend of creativity and engineering, demonstrating how robotics can empower humans to achieve more and gives new hope for the people who need physical therapy and need to improve motor skills.