community news

Robot Dog That Runs Without Motors Meet PAWS: The Robot Dog That Runs Without Motors

Imagine a robot that can run like a dog without using motors. A team of researchers from TU Delft and EPFL has created a motor-free quadruped…

Firefly Automation Controller Firefly Automation Controller - Industrial Baseboard for Compute Module Integration And IO-Link Control

The Firefly Automation Controller family introduces a new industrial baseboard that combines Raspberry Pi Compute…

Smart Waste Classification AI-Powered Smart Waste Sorting with VGG16, CSO and Random Forest Algorithm

Sorting waste into the right categories, like plastic, glass, metal, or paper, is not as simple as it sounds. To make this tiresome job easier,…

Jetson ONE – A Compact eVTOL with Smart Safety Features Jetson ONE: A Flying Car with 63 mph Speed and Auto Landing Safety Features

Jetson ONE just hit a major milestone as its first production model, SN1, has successfully completed its maiden flight. In a newly released video…

WiFi-Controlled Smart Vacuum Cleaner DIY Smart Arduino Based Vacuum Robot with Wi-Fi Control

The maker, Rizwan's Ideas, made a video on DIY vacuum cleaner 3 years ago. A lot of people loved the original, but many wanted Wi-Fi and IoT…

UPI Payment Receiver Smallest UPI Payment Receiver with ESP32-S3 and AMOLED Display

The maker techiesms has successfully built a compact UPI payment receiver using Makerfabs' 1.8-inch AMOLED display module. The module comes with…

ESP32-S3 AI-Camera ESP32-S3 AI Camera for Voice-Controlled Automation and Remote Monitoring

An AI camera that can recognize faces, respond to voice commands, and even see in the dark, ESP32-S3 camera does it all. It's an AI camera module…

DIY Musical Business Card Linux-Based Drum Kit Business Card

An experienced embedded systems developer Sergey Antonovich has developed a business card that integrates a Linux…

DIY Open Source Wall Plotter DIY Open-Source Wall Plotter for High-Precision Drawings Under $100

Mural is a DIY wall-drawing machine that uses markers to create wall designs. The creator wanted a cheaper wall plotter that could turn walls into…

An Hybrid Robot that can Crawl or Cruise Legion Mark I - A WiFi Controlled Hybrid Robot

A YouTuber has shared his latest project, Legion Mark I, a robot that can both crawl like an insect and drive like a…