Electronics and Semiconductor News

Find the latest electronics industry news covering new electronics components releases in various electronics domains such as embedded, power electronics, analog, digital, IoT and Automotive industries. 


Ahead of the G7 summit in Hiroshima, Sunak is going to announce the new semiconductor strategies, and the partnership…

Canada-based company IQonboard has developed a ground-breaking Bluetooth LE-enabled beacon…

So far, an amount of only Rs 154 Crore has been provided the Delhi government as subsidy for purchasing EVs

For the financial year to March 2024, Toyota is looking to sell a record of 11.4mn units as compared to 10.6mn the…

An impressive persistence of vision laser projector built using an Arduino and a hard drive…

India is going to begin the application process for $10 billion in incentives and assistance to boost semiconductor…

The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany has developed an inexpensive and highly…

The survey report also revealed that industrial applications and telecom stacks in the country will contribute two-…

GaitQ, a UK-based company, is preparing to launch the gaitQ Tempo, a wearable device that…

It has forced the global business tycoons to abide with the US rules due to which China’s access to some important…

A new omnidirectional robot has been developed in our community, utilizing advanced…

Anritsu Corporation and MediaTek Incorporated have successfully tested the performance and…