NodeMCU Projects

This section covers electronics projects based on NodeMCU ESP8266 board. The NodeMCU is basically an open source firmware, and also commonly used term for the popular ESP8266 Development Board, which is a low cost, development board designed for IoT applications. 

BEANBOT is a speech recognition based Beach Cleaning Robot, Which will clean the Beach by separating Hard Objects,…

The theme of the contest focused on developing Edge AI solutions utilizing the limited computational resources of…

For this IoT & Edge AI project challenge I want to make a project for the farmers cause India is a country where…

I wanted to build a Pet Robot Dog for my daughter. She loves dogs and would love to have a pet dog. As I can't get her…

Let us introduce Alpha, our quadrupled robot! Constructed to investigate the future of independent companionship. With…


All around the world, the number of people who are paralyzed or cannot use one of their limbs is…

In India, there are more than 70 lakh wells, that are both Kutcha and Pucca, in the alluvial plain regions. These wells…

Security is at most concern for anyone nowadays, whether it's data security or security of their own home. With the advancement…

 This sample project was built for the IoT and Edge AI Project Contest 2024. More details can be found on…

Drones have rapidly evolved from niche hobbies to versatile tools with a wide range of applications, from photography…

Persistence of Vision is a fundamental principle that allows our eyes to perceive continuous motion from separate…

Welcome to the DIY world of Circuit Digest! In this blog, we're going to show you How to build your own Simple CCTV…