Explore 75+ DIY robotics projects with detailed circuit diagrams, source code, and complete instructions. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced maker, you'll find exciting projects using Arduino, Raspberry Pi, ESP32, and other microcontrollers. From line-following robots to AI-powered bots, our tutorials make robotics easy to learn and build.
Start your journey into robotics today and bring your ideas to life!
In this article, we are going to Control the Robot Car through the G sensor of our mobile phone and you will be able to move…
Robots are machines which reduce the human efforts in heavy works by automating the tasks in industries, factories, hospitals…
Hi guys, are you a newbie to the world of Robotics or Electronic? OR Are you looking for a simple yet powerful project to make…
There are many types of Robots, from the simple ones like a Toy car to the advanced ones like industrial Robots. We have…
In this project we are going to build a cell phone controlled robot using 8051 microcontroller. Cell phone controlled…
An edge avoider robot is quite similar to my previous project "Line Follower Robot". This 8051 microcontroller based robot…
Line follower Robot is a machine which follows a line, it may be a black line or a white line. Basically two types of line…
In present time almost all the people are familiar with robots. Robots play a very important role in human life. Robots…
In present time almost all the people are familiar with robots. Robots play a very important role in human life. Robots…
Robots are playing an important role in automation across all the sectors like construction, military, medical, manufacturing,…
After designing this line follower robot using arduino uno, I have developed this computer controlled robot. It can be…
Line follower Robot is a very simple robot that follows a line, either a black line or a white line. These type of robots…