community news

DIY Telescope Powered by ESP32 DIY Telescope Powered by ESP32 with Smooth Dual-Axis Control

Telescopes are essential for astronomers, allowing them to observe stars and planets with clarity. While commercial…

Wall-E Replica Wall-E Replica- A DIY Arduino Powered Robot

An open-source hardware enthusiast has shared their latest project, a 3D-printed, Arduino-powered Wall-E replica. This personal project, in…

Hacking The Roomba Vacuum Cleaner Hacking Roomba: Turn Your Vacuum into a Web-Controlled Robot with ESP32

An open-source hardware developer has shared an innovative project repurposing his old vacuum cleaning robot,…

The Expressive Lamp-Like Robot That Communicates with Light, Gesture, and Touch ELEGANT: The Lamp-Like Robot That Moves, Reacts, and Communicates Like a Living Being

As human-like emotions and behaviors continue to shape humanoid robotics, a team of researchers is taking a different approach, bringing…

Automate Your Home with Voice Control DIY Smart Window Blinds: Automate Your Home with Voice Control

Automating your home makes everyday tasks easy to manage and saves time. Here a creator has built a fully automated voice-controlled window blind…

Wave Clock WaveClock - An OpenSource Digital Clock with a Classic Touch

An open-source hardware developer has unveiled WaveClock, a creative project that transforms a broken analog clock into…

A 3D-Printed Launcher That Shoots Around Corners A 3D-Printed Launcher That Shoots Around Corners

In a recent project released the thisismax Youtube channel explores how the Magnus effect can be used to steer projectiles in the air using a…

Swerve Drive Robot Swerve Drive Robot - Versatile Multi-Mode Navigation

A freelance robotics engineer has shared his recent work on Reddit—a Swerve Drive Robot designed for autonomous…

 DSTIKE Deauther Watch V4S IR Deauther Watch V4S IR - An OpenSource ESP8266-Powered Network Testing Tool

The DSTIKE Deauther Watch V4S IR is the latest version of the Deauther Watch X, a wearable device designed for Wi-Fi…

Turn Your ESP32 into a Real-Time Conversational AI Companion Turn Your ESP32 into a Real-Time Conversational AI Companion

Artificial intelligence is rapidly reshaping the way we work and interact with technology. From text-based chatbots to voice assistants, AI has…