
Interfacing 16*2 LCD Display with Arduino Interfacing 16x2 LCD with Arduino

To establish a good communication between human world and machine world, display units play an important role. And so they are…

IR controlled DC motor using Arduino IR Controlled DC Motor using Arduino

Arduino has become the most popular Microcontroller among students and hobbyists in very less span of time. So everyone try to…

DC Motor Speed Control using Arduino and Potentiometer DC Motor Speed Control using Arduino and Potentiometer

DC motor is the most used motor in Robotics and electronics projects. For controlling the speed of DC motor we have various…

AVR ATmega32 LED Dimmer with PWM Power LED Dimmer using ATmega32 Microcontroller

In this project we are going to use one of the features of ATmega32A to adjust the brightness of 1 Watt LED. The method that is…

Interfacing RGB LED with Arduino UNO Single RGB LED interfacing with Arduino Uno

In this project we are going to interface RGB (Red Green Blue) LED with Arduino Uno. A typical …

What is the difference between microprocessor and microcontroller? What is the difference between microprocessor and microcontroller?


For beginners, who are just getting started with electronics, oftentimes it might be confusing…

LCD Interfacing with ATmega32 AVR microcontroller Interfacing LCD with ATmega32 Microcontroller

To establish a good communication between human world and machine world, display units play an important role. And so they are…

Arduino LED Project for Beginners Getting Started with Arduino Uno: Controlling LED with Push Button

The name Arduino is typically buzz word among most of the electronics students or hobbyists alike. Its ability to build things…

Blinking LED with ATmega32 AVR Microcontroller LED Blinking with ATmega32 Microcontroller

Blinking LED is the first step you would like to take to get started with electronics. In this tutorial we are going to…