EasyPACK™ modules with CoolSiC™ MOSFETs for EV charging and UPS New power modules with CoolSiC MOSFETs for EV charging and UPS

With the increasing numbers of electric vehicles, the demand for energy efficient charging solutions is also rising.…

Electromagnetic compatibility in Electric Vehicles- Sources of EMI and Guidelines to reduce it Electromagnetic compatibility in Electric Vehicles - Sources of EMI and Guidelines to reduce it

When current passes through a conductor it creates electromagnetic fields and almost all electronic devices like TVs, washing…

Ways to reduce manufacturing cost of lithium ion batteries Lithium Ion Battery Manufacturing: 3 Ways to Minimize the Cost

A new JRC science-for-policy report by the European Commission's science and knowledge service projects that the prices of…

14-Cell Li-ion Battery Management IC Maximizes Battery Cell Life and Driving Range for Hybrid and Electric Vehicles 14-Cell Li-ion Battery Management IC Maximizes Battery Cell Life and Driving Range for Hybrid and Electric Vehicles

Renesas Electronics Corporation released its fourth-generation lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery management IC ISL78714 offers…

Regenerative Braking in Electric Vehicles How Regenerative Braking Works in Electric Vehicles

Braking is one of the important aspects of a vehicle. The mechanical braking system which we use in our vehicles has a big…

Wireless Electric Vehicle Charging System Wireless Electric Vehicle Charging System (WEVCS)

Now a days world is shifting towards electrified mobility to reduce the pollutant emissions caused by nonrenewable fossil…

IoT World China 2019 - Calendar of Events IoT World China 2019 Promotes Next-Generation Smart Planet Innovations

What: IoT World China brings industry leaders and influencers from across the globe together to network, learn and interact…

Electric Vehicle On-board Chargers and Charging Stations Electric Vehicle On-board Chargers and Charging Stations

As the world is gearing up to unleash an EV revolution, it is still true that the rate of adaption is slow. Electric Vehicles (…

1200V Schottky diode increases efficiency for EV DC charging and other industrial applications 1200V Schottky diode increases efficiency for EV DC charging and other industrial applications

Infineon Technologies extends the CoolSiC Schottky 1200V G5 diode portfolio with the release of a TO247-2 package which…

Market Research on Automotive Battery Management System An Overview of Global Automotive Battery Management Systems Market

The global market for automotive Battery Management Systems has seen a sea change in demand in the past few years with…