Hand Gesture Recognition

3D Gesture Control Sensor Open-Source Touch-Free 3D Gesture Sensor

A YouTuber has shared a gesture sensor that detects hand movements using electric field sensing. Unlike optical or…

Controlling LEDs Using Hand Gestures Hand Gesture Recognition using ESP32 and Python

This ESP32 project is an exciting and interactive way to control LEDs using hand gestures. We will use an ESP32 board, Python, MediaPipe, and…

Amazing Robots from Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2025 CES 2025: A Complete Roundup of All Things Robotics

Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2025 held from January 7-10 at Las Vegas introduced a variety of impressive robots…

TheAssitBot  Wearable AI Assistant for the Deaf and Mute TheAssitBot : Wearable AI Assistant for the Deaf and Mute

The Wearable Communication Assistant is designed as a portable, AI-driven solution that leverages machine learning…

PAJ7620 Gesture Recognition Module  Introduction to PAJ7620 Gesture Recognition Module

Starting with physical switches, the way we interact with electronic devices has evolved significantly over the years.…

UGV Rover UGV Rover - Opensource AI Robot powered by Raspberry Pi and ESP32

The UGV Rover, a sophisticated AI robot from Waveshare, is designed for versatile exploration and interaction. This 6-…

Hand Gesture Controlled Robot Gesture Controlled Robot Using Arduino

Let's build a cool hand gesture-controlled robot that'll amaze your friends and family—it's like magic! This step-by-…

Iot Gesture Control Home Automation using NodeMCU IoT Gesture controlled Home Automation using ESP12 and AI Vision

In this project, I build an Ai Virtual Assistance with IoT based smart switch Board. As …

Pantomime Gesture Controller using Arduino Arduino based Gesture controlled Robot using Accelerometer

Being in the field of electronic engineering, we wanted to explore and experiment with the different…

Raspberry Pi Hand Gesture Recognition using OpenCV Hand Gesture Recognition using Raspberry Pi and OpenCV

We all have played Rock, Paper, and Scissors game at least once. It’s a very simple game where each player picks one of the…