Machine Learning

Battery-powered AI/ML-based Smart Alarm System Battery-powered AI/ML-based Smart Alarm System with Sensor Fusion and Acoustic Event Detection

Infineon Technologies AG has announced its battery-powered Smart Alarm System (SAS) that achieves high…

Inertial Module with embedded Intelligent Sensor Processing Unit New Inertial Module with embedded Intelligent Sensor Processing Unit Ideal for Machine-Learning Applications

STMicroelectronics has introduced the new ISM330ISN always-on 6-axis inertial measurement unit (IMU…

Automotive 6-axis Inertial Measurement Unit Automotive 6-axis Inertial Measurement Unit with Embedded Machine Learning Core and Dual Operating Modes

STMicroelectronics has announced the new ASM330LHHX inertial measurement unit (IMU) that moves smart…

Tomato Sorting Machine using Raspberry Pi Tomato Sorting Machine using Edge Impulse TinyML on Raspberry Pi

Manually sorting items is one of the most exhausting and time-consuming tasks. Manual sorting, whether of fruits or veggies or…

Introduction to TinyML Introduction to TinyML: What is it and Why does it matter?

TinyML introduces Machine Learning to the scene by incorporating Artificial Intelligence into small hardware components. You’ll…

Fever Detection using Edge Impulse Traing Model and Arduino How to use Edge Impulse Signal based Model Training to train a Fever Detection Model

AI has been a buzzword this entire decade. People have been applying the concepts of AI in all possible fields – Agriculture,…

 Push-Up Counter using Raspberry Pi 4 Push-Up Counter using Raspberry Pi and MediaPipe

Human pose estimation technology is becoming increasingly popular due to the recent growth and popularity of Virtual and…

autonomous vehicle- AI New Machine Learning Algorithms for Self-driving Cars to Learn to Drive by Watching Other Cars

The researchers claims that one hour of driving data was utilised for machine learning purposes, 92% of the vehicles arrived…

AI Powered Table Tennis Bat Digital coach can teach Table Tennis using Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

For improving his Table Tennis game, an engineer, Samuel Alexander develops an AI-powered bat.


Raspberry Pi Based Emotion Recognition System Raspberry Pi Based Emotion Recognition using OpenCV, TensorFlow, and Keras

In this tutorial, we are going to implement an Emotion Recognition System or a Facial Expression Recognition System on a…