
Microchip's SAMA7D65 MPUs For Human-Machine Interface HMI Microchip New SAMA7D65 MPUs for Advanced HMI with High-Performance Graphics and Connectivity

Microchip Technology has introduced the SAMA7D65 series, a new lineup of microprocessors (MPUs) designed to power…

Global Semiconductor Sector Analysis Global Semiconductor Industry: Market Insights, Leading Companies and Country-wise Dominance

The semiconductor industry plays a pivotal role in powering technological advancements across various sectors including…

AI Pet Dog - Bao Bao, AI Pet Dog

I wanted to build a Pet Robot Dog for my daughter. She loves dogs and would love to have a pet dog. As I can't get her…

PIC64GX 64-bit MPUs High Performance 64-bit MPUs Family Designed for IoT, Automotive, and Aerospace Applications

Microchip Technology has introduced the new PIC64 family to expand its computing range to meet the…

RZ/G3S General-Purpose Microprocessor Security for Edge and Gateway Devices with Low Power Consumption IoT Microprocessor

Renesas Electronics Corporation has unveiled the RZ/G3S, a 64-bit general-purpose microprocessor designed for IoT edge…

STM32Cube Next-Level Embedded Design: Enhancing STM32Code with STM32CubeMP13 for STM32MP1

STMicroelectronics introduces STM32CubeMP13, a groundbreaking software pack designed to elevate embedded-system designs by facilitating the…

Infineon’s New PSoCEdge Infineon’s New PSoCEdge Family of Products Brings High-Performance Power-Efficient Machine Learning to the Edge

Infineon Technologies has announced an expansion to their lineup of microcontrollers with the new PSoC Edge series.,…

Renesas Unveils Revolutionary RA8 Series MCUs Renesas Unveils Revolutionary RA8 Series MCUs: Industry’s First Arm Based Cortex-M85 Processor

Renesas Electronics Corporation, a leading provider of innovative semiconductor solutions, has unveiled a…

Handheld Gaming with New Snapdragon G Series Qualcomm Revolutionizes Handheld Gaming with New Snapdragon G Series Portfolio

Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. has once again pushed the boundaries of gaming innovation with…

Mouser Electronics added New Microcontrollers Mouser Extends its Comprehensive Microcontroller Line-up to Provide Embedded Developers with More Processor Choices

Mouser Electronics, Inc., the industry's leading New Product Introduction (NPI) distributor with the widest selection…