NeoPixel LED

Wireless Arduino Bluetooth Car DIY Arduino Bluetooth Car Controlled by Mobile Application

For many years, robots have been a popular topic among students, hobbits, and DIYers. If you are…

Arduino Based Digital Cracker Build Digital Cracker using Arduino and JQ6500 MP3 Module

As the winter season approaches, comes the festival of lights in INDIA. Yes, we are talking about Diwali, known for…

Interfacing Addressable RGB LED with Arduino Interfacing WS2812B Neopixel LED Strip with Arduino

When you require a dynamic lighting solution, LED strips are a great choice. They may be…

10 Segment Arduino Digital Clock Yet Another Arduino Digital Clock, but It’s Unique and You Will Need It

I know making a clock sounds a little irrelevant, especially nowadays because we all have smartphones and no one is going to…

DIY POV Display How not to Build a POV Display Using WS2812B Neopixel LEDs and ESP8266

For one of our projects at circuit digest, we wanted to build a Persistence of Vision Display or POV display with WS2812B LEDs…

Arduino Bluetooth Speaker with Reactive NeoPixel LEDs Arduino Bluetooth Speaker with Reactive NeoPixel LEDs

Bluetooth speaker has now become a pretty popular household gadget that we use on a daily basis. So, for today's article, we…

RGB Goggle using WS2812B LEDs Arduino based DIY RGB Goggles using WS2812B LEDs

I have made RGB Goggles using WS2812B LEDs and Arduino Nano. The Arduino based Goggles have many different…

Touch Capacitive Based PCB Light Panel Design and Build a Touch Capacitive Based PCB Light Panel to Control NeoPixel LED Strip

In this tutorial we are going to make a Touch Capacitive PCB using an ATMega328P IC to control neo pixel led strip.…

Arduino Based Decorative Christmas Tree Arduino Based Decorative Christmas Tree with Neo-Pixel and JQ6500 Voice Module

As Christmas is around the corner and the essence of it is incomplete without the decoration and the Christmas tree. So,…

Wireless Iron Man Faceplate Wall Light ESP8266 and Neopixel LED Strips Based RGB Night Lamp Controlled By Blynk App

Avengers Assemble! Who does not like the Marvel Cinematic Universe? So, today we have a great project for you people that is a…