How to build NodeMCU Webserver and control an LED from a Webpage How to Build NodeMCU Webserver and control an LED from a Webpage

As we know that IoT revolution has started from last few years, since then ESP series Wi-Fi modules become very popular among…

IoT Weather Station using NodeMCU: Monitoring Humidity, Temperature and Pressure over Internet IoT Weather Station using NodeMCU: Monitoring Humidity, Temperature and Pressure over Internet

Humidity, Temperature and Pressure are three basic parameters to build any Weather Station and to measure environmental…

How to track Location with NodeMCU without using GPS module How to track Location with NodeMCU without using GPS module

Have you ever thought of getting your device’s location without using any GPS hardware? Sounds interesting!! Yes it is possible…

DIY Wi-Fi Jammer using NodeMCU ESP12 DIY Wi-Fi Jammer using NodeMCU ESP12

Have you ever thought about jamming the Wi-Fi connection network? Now days Wi-Fi password hacking is very common, so by jamming…

Interfacing 16X2 LCD with ESP32 using I2C Interfacing 16X2 LCD with ESP32 using I2C

In previous tutorial, OLED is interfaced with ESP32 using SPI communication which uses 5 pins. In this tutorial, we interface…

IoT based Electricity Energy Meter using ESP12 and Arduino IoT Based Electricity Energy Meter using ESP12 and Arduino

We all know about Electricity energy meters which are installed in everyone’s house or offices to measure the electricity…

GPS Interfacing with NodeMCU: Getting Location Data GPS Interfacing with NodeMCU: Getting Location Data

GPS stands for Global Positioning System and it is used to find out location, altitude, speed, date and time in UTC. In this…

IoT Digital Thermometer using NodeMCU ESP-12 and LM35 IoT Digital Thermometer using NodeMCU and LM35

In previous Getting start with NodeMCU tutorial, we saw What is NodeMCU and how we can program it using Arduino IDE. As you…

Interface LCD with ESP12 using Shift Register SN74HC595N Interfacing LCD with NodeMCU without using I2C

In this tutorial we will see how to interface NodeMCU with 16x2 LCD without using I2C communication. Here we will interface…

Blink LED with NodeMCU ESP-12 Getting Started with NodeMCU ESP-12 using Arduino IDE: Blinking an LED

In this tutorial, we will learn about ESP-12 Wi-Fi module and how to program it using Arduino IDE. Then we will write a program…