Raspberry Pi Project

DIY Raspberry Pi Phone DIY Raspberry Pi Smartphone

Raspberry Pi is a Pocket sized computer, which runs on Linux OS and having all the features of a Microcontroller to connect and…

Raspberry Pi Powered Rhino - 'Erica' Raspberry Pi Powered Rhino

Raspberry Pi opens the new door for Creativity and with this project today, you can imagine how creative Projects can be built…

Raspberry Pi Gameboy Pocket Raspberry Pi Gameboy Pocket

Handheld Gaming devices are very popular in Gaming Industry and still people enjoy playing the old Games like Tetris, Mario,…

Raspberry Pi Powered Wearable Computer Raspberry Pi Powered Wearable Computer

Today is the time of Wearable Tech Gadgets, like we already have some great stuff like Google Glass, Oculus Rift, SmartWatch…

Raspberry Pi Camera Drone Cellphone Controlled Raspberry Pi Camera Drone

Initially Drones are developed for Military purpose for surveillance and tracking but in past few years it has become popular…

Raspberry Pi Car Speed Detector Raspberry Pi Car Speed Detector

Speed cameras are there to measure the speed of the vehicles running on the road, and are used to find out the people violating…

Talking Chatter SmartPhone using a Raspberry Pi Talking Chatter SmartPhone using a Raspberry Pi

You must have played with Chatter Telephone, in your childhood. Chatter telephone has some pre-recorded voices, which are being…

Raspberry Pi FM Radio Raspberry Pi FM Radio

If you are a enthusiastic Electronic student or hobbyist, then you must have tried to build FM Radio Transmitter Circuit, which…