NuMicro M031BT Microcontrollers New M031BT Microcontrollers from Nuvoton Features Both BLE5.0 and 2.4GHz Proprietary RF Communication

Nuvoton Technology, the Taiwan-based semiconductor manufacturer, has today announced the launch of its new series of ARM Cortex…

Boonton RTP5008 8GHz USB-Connected Wi-Fi 6 Ready RF Power Sensor 8GHz USB-Connected Wi-Fi 6 Ready RF Power Sensor with Powerful Measurement Capabilities

Saelig Company, Inc. has introduced the Boonton RTP5008 Real-Time Peak USB Power Sensor that has been designed to provide the…

Women Safety Device Using Arduino with GPS Tracking & Alerts Women Safety Device with GPS Tracking and Alerts Using Arduino

With all the technology available to us in recent times, it's not hard to build a safety device for women which will not only…

Designing 2.4 GHz PCB Antenna How to Design a PCB Antenna for 2.4GHz

Antennas are everywhere these days, most of the mainstream technologies like smartphones, security, and IoT devices use…

Impedance Matching Filter Circuit Design Impedance Matching Filter Circuit Design – LC, L and PI Filters

In the previous article, we discussed the basics of impedance matching and how to use an impedance matching transformer. Apart…

Impedance Matching Transformer Introduction to Impedance Matching and How to use an Impedance Matching Transformer for your Design

If you are an RF Design Engineer or anyone who has worked with Wireless Radios, the term “Impedance Matching” should have…

8V97003 Wideband mmWave Synthesizer Wideband 18GHz RF and Microwave Synthesizer for 5G and Broadband Wireless Applications

The Renesas Electronics Corporation has introduced a next-generation wideband mmWave synthesizer to meet the customers’…

Smart Restaurant Menu Ordering System using Arduino Smart Restaurant Menu Ordering System using Arduino

Now day’s automation systems are everywhere whether its home, office or any big industry, all are equipped with automation…

nRF21540 RF plug and play Range Extender SoC with Superior Link Budget nRF21540 RF plug and play Range Extender SoC with Superior Link Budget

Nordic Semiconductors has introduced the nRF21540TM RF Front End Module (FEM), a power amplifier/low noise amplifier (PA/LNA)…

ADRF5545A RF Front End Module for Massive MIMO Designs ADRF5545A RF Front End Module for Massive MIMO Designs

Mouser Electronics is now stocking the ADRF5545A RF front end module from Analog Devices. The dual-channel, integrated…