soil moisture sensor

Smart Irrigation Aquacontroller using Atmega328 Smart Irrigation System using Arduino and Soil Moisture Sensor

Being an Urban Planning professional and electronics hobbyist always found challenges whenever I had to…

IoT based Soil Monitoring Device IoT based Garden X Soil Monitoring Device using ESP32, DHT11 and MQ135

Gardening is a very relaxing hobby. However, due to our busy lifestyles, the plants in our garden may not…

Automatic Irrigation System using an Arduino Uno Automatic Irrigation System using an Arduino Uno

Everyone of us likes a little greenery in our houses, don’t we? Plants require really low maintenance and can be left for days…

 IoT based Smart Agriculture Monitoring System IoT based Smart Agriculture Monitoring System

In this project, we are going to build a Smart Farming System using IoT. The objective of this project is to offer assistance…

Arduino Smart Water Quality Monitoring System Using IoT Smart Water Quality Monitoring System Using IoT

Agriculture is the backbone of our country and it is very important to know the parameter of soil and water for efficient…

IoT based Smart Irrigation System using Soil Moisture Sensor and ESP8266 NodeMCU IoT based Smart Irrigation System using Soil Moisture Sensor and ESP8266 NodeMCU

Most of the farmers use large portions of farming land and it becomes very difficult to reach and track each corner of large…

Simple Soil Moisture Detector Circuit Simple Soil Moisture Detector Circuit

In this project, we are going to build a Transistor Based Simple Soil Moisture Detector Circuit. In this circuit, we have used…

Arduino based Automatic Plant Watering System Project with SMS Alert Arduino based Automatic Plant Irrigation System with Message Alert

Whenever we go out of town for few days, we always used to worry about our plants as they need water on regular basis. So here…