Technical Articles

A series of well-curated articles to understand the fundamental of electronics. The articles in this section elucidates basic concepts of electronics and design tips that can be equally useful to beginners and experts.

Air pollution, we all know is a major global issue that is causing premature deaths and illnesses throughout the world. Each…

Modern electronic circuits are becoming more powerful than ever. Consequently, the needs and requirements of electronic…

These days Lithium-ion batteries are gaining more attention due to their widespread application in Electric Vehicles, Power…

Embedded system is the heart and core of most electronic products available in the market. It’s the implementation of…

Nearly 4.18 trillion kWh of electricity were generated in the United States at utility-scale electricity generation facilities…

Amid the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the convergence of technology with various production processes, including supply chain…

Human lifespan has exponentially increased in recent times and is expected to go up to 80 years till 2050. One of the most…

AUTOSAR (Automotive Open System Architecture) can be defined as a common platform for the whole automotive industry that is…

Industry 4.0 is the fancy name given to the fourth Industrial revolution. In this article, we will discuss about what is…

Unless some Tony Stark steps in and invents the Arc reactor or the research in Solar Power Satellites (SPS) for wireless Energy…

Solenoids are simple components that can be used for various applications. The name solenoid is derived from the Greek word “…

Most of us would have commonly noticed the terms “Patented, patent-pending, patent applied for” written on the goods, products…