Technical Articles

A series of well-curated articles to understand the fundamental of electronics. The articles in this section elucidates basic concepts of electronics and design tips that can be equally useful to beginners and experts.

There are numerous wireless standards at your disposal when creating a new product. Each choice has its own set of advantages…

So you want to develop a new electronic hardware product? Let me start with the good news – it’s possible. You can develop a…

Communication Interfaces are one of the factors that are considered when selecting a microcontroller to be used for a project.…

The brain of an embedded device, which is the processing unit, is a key determinant of the success or failure of the device in…

A microcontroller is essentially a small computer on a chip, like any computer, it has memory and usually programmed in…

Wireless Charging is the process of recharging battery powered electronic devices without directly tethering them using wires…

Before explaining PID Controller, let's revise about Control System. There are two types of systems; open loop system and close…

One of the oldest, yet popular communication protocol that is used in industries and commercial products is the RS232…

What is diode? 

In general, all the electronic devices need DC power supply but it is impossible to generate DC power so,…

Time waits for none. Apparently, it's the same case with the speed of Technology upgrade these days. Moore's law is already…

As our brain is made up of 100 billion of cells termed Neurons which are used to think and memorize things. Like as computer…

In previous tutorial we have learned about ZigBee protocol, its architecture and also learned about XBee modules and AT…