Technical Articles

A series of well-curated articles to understand the fundamental of electronics. The articles in this section elucidates basic concepts of electronics and design tips that can be equally useful to beginners and experts.

‘It is not only about what you say. It is also about how you say it.’ This old-age adage quite aptly sums up the need…

In the quarter one of 2023, sales of battery powered electric cars increased by 32 percent YoY, but there is a sales…

According to Statista, the leader in automotive product exports worldwide in 2021 was the European Union (EU),…

The limiting factors in automotive electrification today are the speed to charge the battery and the energy conversion…

After unleashing the much-awaited Production Linked Incentive (PLI) of Rs 76,000 crore in December 2021, the government…

The top-notch technology will provide a huge impetus to the R&D initiatives, but the major impediment is the lack…

The Raspberry Pi Pico W is a versatile microcontroller board that packs a lot of power into its compact form factor.…

US government must provide a crystal-clear strategy when spectrums will be available so that businesses, operators,…

The increase in requirements for highly fuel-efficient, lower-…

Arduino is a very popular open-source platform and Arduino UNO is one of the most loved microcontrollers among…

In an effort to reduce dependence on Asian countries on chip import and to revive the country’s growth in semiconductor…

The pace and variety of electrification across many aspects of our daily lives continue, driven by the convergence of…