Analog Electronics

Analog Electronics deals with electronic systems that has a continuous variable signal. In this section we will discuss about various analog electronic projects that can be used to design your own amplifiers, oscillators, filters, analog converters, waveform generators and other analog circuits as required by your application.

Previously we have built Temperature controlled LEDs Circuit, in which two LEDs were glowing according to the temperature. Now…

Digital Code Locks are very popular in Electronics, where you need to enter a particular ‘Code’ to open the Lock. This type of…

Today we are building a simple yet very useful circuit using Temperature Sensor LM35. In this circuit, we are going to control…

You have seen Automatic Wiper System in luxury cars where Windshield Wiper automatically gets activated when there is Rain or…

Infrared sensors are much common in our electronics life. They are used in many real time applications like for opening and…

Almost every electronic hobbyist must have faced a scenario where he or she must measure the frequency of signal generated by a…

Transistors are the semiconductor devices used for switching or amplifying electrical signals. They are highly…

Transistors are made up of semiconductor material which is most commonly used for amplification or switching purpose, although…

555 time IC is very powerful and versatile IC, it can be used in many forms. In this tutorial we are going to see how a 555 IC…

Security is main concern for various buildings, houses and offices. There are a variety of security alarms available in market…

Voltage doubler is the circuit where we get the twice of the input voltage, like if we supply 5v voltage, we will get 10 volt…

All the colors can be made from Red, Green and Blue color (RGB), these are the basic three colors from which we can generate…