Analog Electronics deals with electronic systems that has a continuous variable signal. In this section we will discuss about various analog electronic projects that can be used to design your own amplifiers, oscillators, filters, analog converters, waveform generators and other analog circuits as required by your application.
Electronic clock with LED pendulum & tick tock sound produces Tick Tock sound every second and it has a LED pendulum in…
555 Timer IC is one of the commonly used IC among students and hobbyists. There are a lot of applications of…
Water tank overflow is a common problem which leads to the wastage of water. Though there are many solutions to it like ball…
In electronics most commonly failed component is transistor. To test the working of the transistor, one must go through a lot…
Here we have explained a dark detector circuit by using 555 timer IC and a LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) which senses the…
This simple Touch Switch is developed by using 555 timer IC operated as a MONOSTABLE vibrator. Here the stable stage is…