16x2 LCD

Interfacing Alphanumeric 16*2 LCD Display with MSP430 Alphanumeric 16*2 LCD Display Interfacing with MSP430 using Code Composer Studio

This article is the continuation of our tutorial series on programming MSP430 using Code Composer Studio. Last tutorial…

Nuvoton N76E003 Microcontroller ADC How to Use Nuvoton N76E003 Microcontroller ADC to Read Analog Voltage

Analog to Digital converter (ADC) is the most used hardware feature on a microcontroller. It takes in analog voltage and…

Interfacing 16x2 Alphanumeric LCD with STM8 Microcontroller Interfacing 16x2 Alphanumeric LCD display with STM8 Microcontroller

The 16x2 Alphanumeric LCD display is the most commonly used display among hobbyists and enthusiasts. The display is very useful when you want to…

pH Meter using Arduino Uno pH Meter using Arduino Uno and LCD Display

pH scale is used to measure the acidity and basicity of a liquid. It can have readings ranging from 1-14 where 1 shows the most…

Raspberry Pi RGB LCD HAT DIY Raspberry Pi RGB LCD HAT

Raspberry Pi Hats are the same as shields for Arduino, they can directly fit on the top of Raspberry Pi and don’t require any…

Coin Sorting Machine using Arduino Coin Sorting Machine using Arduino

We previously built an Arduino based paper currency counting machine using a color sensor. Now in this project we are building…

Smart Restaurant Menu Ordering System using Arduino Smart Restaurant Menu Ordering System using Arduino

Now day’s automation systems are everywhere whether its home, office or any big industry, all are equipped with automation…

Buzz Wire Game with an Arduino Make a Buzz Wire Game with an Arduino

Arduino is very popular for building hobby projects and games, and we have previously used Arduino to build Snake game, Ping…

BMP280 Pressure Sensor Module Interfacing with Arduino How to Interface BMP280 Pressure Sensor Module with Arduino

If you want to build your own temperature monitoring system or to measure the altitude of your drone or simply want to measure…

Arduino Currency Counter using IR and Color Sensor Arduino Currency Counter using IR and Color Sensor

In this project we are going to work on an innovative arduino project idea, where we can count the paper currency notes…