16x2 LCD

Interfacing DHT11 with PIC16F877A Interfacing DHT11 with PIC16F877A for Temperature and Humidity Measurement

Temperature and Humidity measurement is often useful in many applications like Home Automation, Environment Monitoring, Weather…

GPS Interfacing with AVR Microcontroller GPS module (uBlox Neo 6M) Interfacing with AVR Microcontroller Atmega16/32

GPS modules are widely used in electronics applications to track the location based on longitude and latitude…

Interfacing 16x2 LCD Display with TIVA C Series TM4C123G LaunchPad from Texas Instruments How to Interface a LCD Display with TIVA C Series TM4C123G LaunchPad from Texas Instruments

In the previous tutorial, we started with learning about TIVA TM4C Launchpad and how to control its Digital Input and Output…

Interfacing PCF8591 ADC with Arduino Interfacing a PCF8591 ADC/DAC Module with Arduino

Analog to digital conversion is a very important task in embedded electronics, as most of the sensors provide output as…

Interfacing APDS9960 RGB and Gesture Sensor with Arduino How to Use APDS9960 RGB and Gesture Sensor with Arduino

Today most of the phones come with gesture control feature to open or close any app, start music, attend calls etc. This is a…

Interfacing MCP2515 CAN BUS Module with Arduino Arduino CAN Tutorial - Interfacing MCP2515 CAN BUS Module with Arduino

Today any average car consists of around 60 to 100 sensor units in it for sensing and exchanging information. With car…

DIY Arduino Digital Protractor using MPU6050 Gyroscope DIY Arduino Digital Protractor using MPU6050 Gyroscope

The MPU6050 is an IC 3-axis accelerometer and a 3-axis gyroscope combined into one unit. It also houses a…

Interfacing DHT11 Temperature & Humidity Sensor with STM32F103C8 Interfacing DHT11 Temperature & Humidity Sensor with STM32F103C8

DHT11 is a Temperature and humidity sensor which as the name implies is used to measure the atmospheric temperature and…

Interfacing BH1750 Ambient Light Sensor with Arduino How to Use BH1750 Ambient Light Sensor with Arduino

When you take your phone in sunshine or in high lighting, then it automatically adjusts the brightness according to the…

RS-485 MODBUS Serial Communication with Arduino as Master RS-485 MODBUS Serial Communication with Arduino as Master

In the previous tutorial we learned about Modbus RS-485 Serial Communication with Arduino as Slave. In continuation with that…