WiFi-Controlled Smart Vacuum Cleaner DIY Smart Arduino Based Vacuum Robot with Wi-Fi Control

The maker, Rizwan's Ideas, made a video on DIY vacuum cleaner 3 years ago. A lot of people loved the original, but many wanted Wi-Fi and IoT…

DIY Musical Business Card Linux-Based Drum Kit Business Card

An experienced embedded systems developer Sergey Antonovich has developed a business card that integrates a Linux…

DIY Open Source Wall Plotter DIY Open-Source Wall Plotter for High-Precision Drawings Under $100

Mural is a DIY wall-drawing machine that uses markers to create wall designs. The creator wanted a cheaper wall plotter that could turn walls into…

An Hybrid Robot that can Crawl or Cruise Legion Mark I - A WiFi Controlled Hybrid Robot

A YouTuber has shared his latest project, Legion Mark I, a robot that can both crawl like an insect and drive like a…

DIY High Voltage Plasma Portal DIY High-Voltage Plasma Portal using ZVS Circuit

A YouTuber has shared his Plasma Portal project, a high-voltage electrical engineering demonstration that combines a…

Smallest ESP32 Based DIY Drone ESP FLY - The Smallest ESP32 Powered Drone

The ESP-FLY is a palm-sized drone powered by the XIAO ESP32S3 microcontroller, combining compact design with impressive…

Laser Microphone Laser Microphone - Capturing Sound Through Reflected Light

A YouTuber recently showcased a homemade laser microphone, a surveillance device capable of picking up sound from a…

DIY Mini Robotic Arm Enhancing Micro Robotic Arm with a Smart Counterweight

A hobbyist has shared his recent project on building a micro robot arm with balanced counterweights, designed for…

Cyberdeck Brain Scanner DIY Brain Scanner: A Custom-Built Cyberdeck for Meditation and Focus Tracker

What if you could track your brain activity while focusing or unwinding? Maker The Civitas Universe took that curiosity to the next level by…

Interfacing digital Caliper with Raspberry Pi Interfacing a Digital Caliper with Raspberry Pi to Measure CNC Lead Screw Accuracy

A hobbyist assessed CNC lead screw accuracy by building a setup using digital calipers interfaced with a Raspberry Pi.…