Arduino UNO LED Dimmer Arduino Based LED Dimmer using PWM

This LED DIMMER is an Arduino Uno based PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) circuit developed to get variable…

Clock with LED Pendulum and Tick Tock Sound Clock with LED Pendulum and Tick Tock Sound

Electronic clock with LED pendulum & tick tock sound produces Tick Tock sound every second and it has a LED pendulum in…

LED Blinking with Arduino Uno LED Blinking with Arduino Uno

ARDUINO UNO is an ATMEGA controller based board designed for electronic engineers and hobbyists. Arduino based program…

Arduino LED Project for Beginners Getting Started with Arduino Uno: Controlling LED with Push Button

The name Arduino is typically buzz word among most of the electronics students or hobbyists alike. Its ability to build things…

Fading LED Circuit using 555 Timer IC Simple Fading LED Light

You should have seen LEDs glowing and fading in a LED Strip lights, used for decoration in festivals and functions.…

1 Watt PWM LED Dimmer Circuit Project 1 Watt LED Dimmer Circuit

The LED DIMMER is primarily a 555 IC based PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) circuit developed to get variable voltage over constant…