ASIC DIY Hologram DIY POV Display Powered with a Custom Silicon

Youtuber Bitluni, who we all know for doing crazy projects such as 256 Core Supercluster with the 10-cent…

POV Display using Arduino Building a High-Resolution POV Display using ESP32

Persistence of Vision is a fundamental principle that allows our eyes to perceive continuous motion from separate…

T Flip-Flop: Circuit, Truth Table and Working T Flip-Flop: Circuit, Truth Table and Working

The term digital in electronics represents the data generation, processing or storing in the form of two states. The two states…

PCA9685 Multiple Servo Control PCA9685 - Multiple Servo Control Using Arduino

The 16-channel 12-bit PWM/Servo Driver, PCA9685, is an ideal module for precise control of multiple PWM outputs that…

4x4x4 LED Cube Build 4×4×4 Led Cube using Arduino Nano

In this project, we're making a cool 4×4×4 LED cube with Arduino Nano. LED cubes, also known as LED Matrix, can light up your room, study space,…

PIR Motion Sensor Light Build your own PIR Motion Sensor Light

In today's world of smart technology, creating simple yet effective DIY projects without the use of microcontrollers or…

DIY LED Chaser using 74HC595 Shift Register and 555 Timer IC Adding a Futuristic Twist to your Decor with a Circular LED Chaser

Have you ever wanted to add some cool lighting effects to your electronic circuits or spice up your home decor with a…

LED ON and OFF Circuit using 555 Timer IC Building a LED Dimmer Circuit using 555 Timer IC and BC557 Transistor

LEDs are commonly used in electronic circuits as they consume less power, are easy to use, and have a long lifespan. In…

Simple Audio Level Indicator Simple Audio Level Indicator using LM3915

LED VU meters are popular devices, especially for those people who love music. With this device, you can easily look at…

RGB LED Lighting Circuit using Transistor Build your own Christmas Tree using simple RGB LEDs and Trasnsistors

In this short tutorial, we will show you how you can build yourself a transistor-driven color-changing RGB LED lights.…