
Raspberry Pi Based Emotion Recognition System Raspberry Pi Based Emotion Recognition using OpenCV, TensorFlow, and Keras

In this tutorial, we are going to implement an Emotion Recognition System or a Facial Expression Recognition System on a…

Raspberry Pi Hand Gesture Recognition using OpenCV Hand Gesture Recognition using Raspberry Pi and OpenCV

We all have played Rock, Paper, and Scissors game at least once. It’s a very simple game where each player picks one of the…

Raspberry Pi Age and Face Detection using OpenCV Age and Gender Classification using OpenCV and Deep Learning on Raspberry Pi

In this tutorial, we are going to use OpenCV and Deep Learning models to accurately identify the gender and age of a person…

Face Mask Detection using Raspberry Pi and OpenCV Face Mask Detection using Raspberry Pi and OpenCV

The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has seriously affected the world and there is no end to it. To limit the spread of the virus…

Social Distancing Detector Using OpenCV and Raspberry Pi Social Distancing Detector Using OpenCV and Raspberry Pi

In the time of Covid-19, Social-distancing is an effective way to slow down the transmission of infectious virus. People are…

Driver Drowsiness Detector System using Raspberry Pi and OpenCV Driver Drowsiness Detector System using Raspberry Pi and OpenCV

Truck drivers who transport the cargo and heavy materials over long distances during day and night time, they often suffer from…

OpenCV AI Kit- Open-Hardware Myriad X-based Hardware Solution OpenCV Launches Open Source Hardware called OpenCV AI Kit (OAK) for AI and Computer Vision Based Applications

Recently launched, OpenCV AI Kit (OAK) is a family of open-hardware Myriad X-based hardware solution for computer vision…

Hikvision Raspberry Pi CCTV Viewer using OpenCV Stream CCTV Video from DVR to Raspberry Pi using Python and OpenCV

Most of the workplace and commercial buildings today have a CCTV surveillance system installed to monitored the activities. But…

Raspberry Pi Facial Landmark Detection Facial Landmark Detection (Eyes, Nose, Jaw, Mouth, etc.) using Python OpenCV

Detection of facial landmarks is the process of detecting various parts on the face such as the Eyebrows, Eyes, Nose, Mouth,…

QR Code Scanner using Raspberry Pi and OpenCV QR Code Scanner using Raspberry Pi and OpenCV

QR code (Quick Response code) is a type of matrix barcode that contains information about the item to which it is attached,…