Smart Home

Digi-Key's City Digital Video Series Season 2 Digi-Key Releases Season 2 of City Digital Video Series with u-blox, Littelfuse and Taoglas

Digi-Key Electronics has announced the release of Season 2 of its City Digital video series that is…

Smart Wi-Fi Video Doorbell using ESP32 and Camera Smart Wi-Fi Video Doorbell using ESP32 and Camera

Nowadays, Security system is one of the most researched fields and with increasing security threats, companies are launching…

IoT based Smart Dustbin using NodeMCU and Ultrasonic sensor IoT based Smart Dustbin Management System using NodeMCU

The idea struck us when we observed that the garbage truck use to go around the town to collect solid waste…

Arduino Based TV Remote with Alexa Arduino Based TV Remote: Control any TV or Set Up Box Channels with Alexa

Normally we are facing problems with the IR Remote sometimes it may not work and regularly we need to change…

Alexa controlled Switch using ESP01 Alexa controlled Automated ON/OFF Switch for Smart Home

Automating products impacting one's daily routine saves time, cost and reduces one's hassle to monitor it…

ESP8266 based Smart wi-fi Doorbell DIY ESP8266 based Smart Doorbell with Mobile Alert Notification

This project shows how to convert a normal doorbell into a WIFI-based doorbell which notifies on your phone…

Arduino based Home Automation using Bluetooth and Smartphone Voice controlled Home automation using Arduino and Bluetooth

I have built a model of a Modern Smart Home. These features demonstrate what a Smart Home would be like! A…

ESP32 Based Smart Curtains Build DIY Smart Curtains using ESP32 and LDR Sensors

You’d be surprised at how much curtains matter in the house! Aside from keeping the peeping Toms out (…

Home Automation with Augmented Reality IoT Based Home Automation with Augmented Reality

I am here with the latest technology being using Augmented Reality, we will make our home as smart and AR…

IoT based Smart Phone controlled Home Automation using NodeMCU Smart Phone controlled Home Appliances with Energy Meter using NodeMCU

Hello guys Our project is about SMART HOME as with the advancement of technology, who doesn’t love…