arduino uno

Program Arduino Wirelessly over Bluetooth How to Program Arduino Wirelessly over Bluetooth

Arduino Uno, the most popular microcontroller among electronics hobbyists and students and its pretty easy to get started with…

Arduino Smart Water Quality Monitoring System Using IoT Smart Water Quality Monitoring System Using IoT

Agriculture is the backbone of our country and it is very important to know the parameter of soil and water for efficient…

Interfacing ESP32 SX1278 LoRa Module with ESP32 Interfacing SX1278 LoRa Module with ESP32

LoRa is a wireless Radio frequency technology introduced by a company called Semtech intended to be used to…

Ultrasonic Acoustic Levitation Using Arduino Simple Ultrasonic Acoustic Levitation using Arduino and HCSR04 Ultrasonic Sensor

It is very exciting to see something floating in the air or free space that is exactly what an anti-gravity project is about.…

pH Meter using Arduino Uno pH Meter using Arduino Uno and LCD Display

pH scale is used to measure the acidity and basicity of a liquid. It can have readings ranging from 1-14 where 1 shows the most…

Arduino to Arduino Bluetooth Communication Arduino to Arduino Bluetooth Communication using Master Slave Configuration

HC-05 Bluetooth Modules are the go-to Bluetooth modules for any Arduino project! It’s easy to hook up and code in the Arduino…

Semaphore and Mutex in FreeRTOS with Arduino Arduino FreeRTOS Tutorial 3- Using Semaphore and Mutex in FreeRTOS with Arduino

In previous tutorials, we have covered the basics of FreeRTOS with Arduino and the Queue kernel object in FreeRTOS Arduino. Now…

Arduino FreeRTOS using Queues Arduino FreeRTOS Tutorial 2- Using Queues in Arduino FreeRTOS

In the previous tutorial, we introduced FreeRTOS in Arduino Uno and created a task for the blinking LED. Now, in this tutorial…

FreeRTOS Task for Blink LED in Arduino UNO Arduino FreeRTOS Tutorial 1 - Creating a FreeRTOS task to Blink LED in Arduino Uno

The OS present inside the embedded devices is called an RTOS (Real-Time Operating System). In embedded devices, real-time tasks…

Password based Digital Keypad Security Door Lock using Arduino Digital Keypad Security Door Lock using Arduino

Often times, we need to secure a room at our home or office (perhaps a secret dexter’s laboratory) so that no one can access…