arduino uno
Stepper Motor Control with A4988 Stepper Motor Driver and Arduino UNO
A stepper motor is a type of brushless DC motor that divides a full rotation into a number of steps, thus allowing for… |
Interfacing DHT22 Humidity & Temperature Sensor with Arduino
The DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor is a versatile and cost-effective sensor used to measure ambient temperature… |
What’s Inside a 4x4 Membrane Keypad and How to Interface it with an Arduino?
A 4x4 membrane keypad is a compact and a cost-effective input device that is commonly used… |
Understanding How a Single Channel Relay Module Works and How to Use it with Arduino to Control AC Loads
A single-channel relay is an electronic switch that can be controlled by a low-power… |
Control DC Motor with Arduino and L293D Motor Driver IC
If you are planning on building a robot with DC motors then you will eventually learn that you need to control both the… |
Interfacing TM1637 4 Digit Seven Segment Display Module with Arduino
If you are thinking about building your next project around a 4-digit seven-segment display, you need at least 12… |
Interfacing RCWL 0516 Microwave Radar Sensor with Arduino
Proximity sensing is a common application for intruder alarms, light switches, and other… |
Interfacing SR04T/SR04M Waterproof UltraSonic Sensor with Arduino Uno
Adding cameras and vision algorithms to your projects and robots might sound cool but sometimes it becomes… |
How to Build a 3D Printed Animatronic Eye with Arduino
In this project, we are going to build an animatronic eye with Arduino. I got the idea to create an animatronic eye… |
How Does the GP2Y1014AU0F Dust Sensor Work and How to Interface it with Arduino
When we are talking about air pollution, dust and smoke are one of the many reasons for air pollution. Not only that,… |